Experiment: Family of FSMs
Getting melange:
- The GEMOC Studio provides a complete Eclipse modeling workbench, including Melange. Latest version of the GEMOC Studio can be downloaded from http://gemoc.org/studio-download/.
- Alternatively, Melange can be retrieved from the Download page.
Experiment: Family of FSM languages
The FsmFamily example can be downloaded from http://melange-lang.org/resources/FsmFamily.tar.gz, and is continuously updated on the Github repository of Melange: https://github.com/diverse-project/melange/tree/master/examples/FsmFamily.
- To import it, first enter the “Java Perspective” in GEMOC and File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace -> Archive file.
- The generic transformations “execute” and “prettyPrint” can be launched by right-clicking the FsmFamily project -> Run As -> Java Application.
- To re-launch the generation of interfaces, languages, and adapters, right-click the FSM.melange file and Melange -> Generate All.
Experiment: UML
- A spreadsheet resuming the main results of the analysis of UML models from Github can be downloaded here: umlAnalysis.ods.
- The analysis framework, along with ZIP files containing raw UML models, and classified UML models can be downloaded here: comlan-xp.tar.xz. Please refer to the README file for more information.