In this tutorial you will learn how to compose Languages.
To ilustrate this we will take MiniFSM Language as base and add it an Action Language executed when states are activated and an Expression Language improve the expressivness of Transitions.

To setup your workspace, import the followings projects in your workspace:

(checkout the git repository and import the following projects)
– MiniFSM metamodel: MiniFSM/languageProjects/fr.inria.diverse.minifsm
– MiniFSM interpreter: MiniFSM/languageProjects/fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.interpreter
– MiniLang metamodel: MiniFSM/languageProjects/fr.inria.diverse.minilang
– MiniLang interpreter: MiniFSM/languageProjects/fr.inria.diverse.minilang.interpreter

MiniFSM is the Language build in the tutorial [Define an executable DSL].
MiniLang is a Language describing operations of Integer, with Variables and Expressions.

We will define Melange languages based on theses imported projects.
Create a new Melange project:

  1. Open the menu File > New > Project... and select Melange > Melange Project, then click project
  2. Name the project “fr.inria.diverse.melange.fsm” and click project
  3. Check Create a plug-in using one of the templates and select Simple Melange project, then Next.add template
  4. Fill the fields:
    • Package -> fr.inria.diverse.melanger
    • Melange file name -> Main
    • Language name -> MiniFSM
    • Browse the Ecore file location to select minifsm.ecore from the “fr.inria.diverse.minifsm” project

    Then click the Finish button.configure project

  5. Open the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and in the dependencies tab add Plug-ins
    • fr.inria.diverse.minilang
    • fr.inria.diverse.minilang.interpreter
    • fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.interpreter
    • fr.inria.diverse.minifsm should be already there thanks to the wizard.

    This step is needed to have both metamodel and interpreter projects in the classpath of the Melange project.

Your Main.melange should look like this:

package fr.inria.diverse.melanger

language MiniFsm {
	syntax "platform:/resource//fr.inria.diverse.minifsm/model/minifsm.ecore"
	exactType MiniFsmMT

transformation foo(MiniFsmMT model) {
	val root = model.contents.head

	print("root: " + root)

transformation main() {
	val m1 = MiniFsm.load("input/Simple.xmi")

Delete the generated transformations, we will not use it.
Add the aspects defined in the “fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.interpreter” project.

with minifsm.aspects.FinalStateAspect
with minifsm.aspects.TransitionAspect
with minifsm.aspects.StateAspect
with minifsm.aspects.FSMAspect

You can use the content assist here by selecting --Import existing DSA project--
It will scan the selected project to find Aspects and declare them in the current Language.

Create another Language “MiniActionLang” based on:

  • minilang.ecore (the metamodel of a program)
  • Context.ecore (represent the execution state)

The content assist is also available after the keyword syntax by pressing Ctrl+Space.
It gives direct access to .ecore files in the workspace.
And finally add the Aspects from the fr.inria.diverse.minilang.interpreter project.

The Main.melange file now contains:

package fr.inria.diverse.melanger

language MiniFsm{
	syntax "platform:/resource/fr.inria.diverse.minifsm/model/minifsm.ecore"

	with minifsm.aspects.FinalStateAspect
	with minifsm.aspects.TransitionAspect
	with minifsm.aspects.StateAspect
	with minifsm.aspects.FSMAspect

language MiniActionLang{
	syntax "platform:/resource/fr.inria.diverse.minilang/model/minilang.ecore"
	syntax "platform:/resource/fr.inria.diverse.minilang.interpreter/model/Context.ecore"
	with minilang.aspects.IntegerAspect
	with minilang.aspects.IntVariableRefAspect
	with minilang.aspects.LessAspect
	with minilang.aspects.IntExpressionAspect
	with minilang.aspects.VariableRefAspect
	with minilang.aspects.IntAssignmentAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BooleanExpressionAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BooleanVariableRefAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BlockAspect
	with minilang.aspects.PlusAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BooleanAssignmentAspect
	with minilang.aspects.IntOperationAspect
	with minilang.aspects.EqualAspect
	with minilang.aspects.IntComparisonAspect
	with minilang.aspects.GreaterAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BooleanAspect
	with minilang.aspects.StatementAspect
	with minilang.aspects.MinusAspect
	with minilang.aspects.NotAspect
	with minilang.aspects.DivideAspect
	with minilang.aspects.MultiplyAspect
	with minilang.aspects.LessOrEqualAspect
	with minilang.aspects.GreaterOrEqualAspect
	with minilang.aspects.AndAspect
	with minilang.aspects.OrAspect
	with minilang.aspects.BooleanOperationAspect
	with minilang.aspects.PrintVarAspect
	with minilang.aspects.PrintStrAspect

Now we create the MelangedLang that will merge the previous Languages.

We will inherits MiniFsm since we want all its syntax and behavior.

language MelangedLang inherits MiniFsm {


We need to merge MiniActionLang but we dont want the If and While EClasses because the control flow is already expressed in MiniFSM.
So we use the slice operator to keep only the selected EClasses.
Since MiniFsm and MiniActionLang have different name for their root EPackage we have to rename them, otherwise will we have two roots. It is done by the renaming keyword.

language MelangedLang inherits MiniFsm {
	slice MiniActionLang on [
		'BooleanVariableRef', 'Integer', 'Boolean',
		'BooleanAssignment', 'IntAssignment', 'Block', 'PrintVar', 'PrintStr',
		'Context','BooleanVar','IntegerVar'] renaming {
			'minilang' to 'minifsm'

Now we have merged the two metamodels we still need to link their concepts.
Indeed Transition should have Expression, State needs Instructions and FSM will have an execution context.
We could add theses missing EReferences by merging another .ecore file but as we need to do some adjustments in the semantics.
We will create new K3 Aspects to take in account the merged syntax.

Do a right click on the package fr.inria.diverse.melanger in the Melange project and create an new file Glue.xtend.

Create a new Aspect “FsmGlue” on FSM extending FSMAspect.
Add a new attribute Context annotated with @Containment to instantiate it when an FSM is created.
It have to be public to be added in the abstract syntax by Melange.

package fr.inria.diverse.melanger

import fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.FSM
import fr.inria.diverse.context.minilang.Context
import minifsm.aspects.FSMAspect

class FsmGlue extends FSMAspect {
	public Context context

Add a contained Block in State.
We override StateAspect.execute() to take in account the new Block.

class StateGlue extends StateAspect {
	public Block block
	override void execute(){

Add BooleanExpression inside Transition.
Override TransitionAspect.isActivated() to evaluate the new Expression.

class TransitionGlue extends TransitionAspect {
	public BooleanExpression expression
	override boolean isActivated(){
		return _self.expression === null || _self.expression.eval(_self.fsm.context) 

The Glue.xtend file should contains at the end:

package fr.inria.diverse.melanger

import fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.FSM
import fr.inria.diverse.context.minilang.Context
import fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.State
import fr.inria.diverse.minilang.Block
import fr.inria.diverse.minifsm.Transition
import fr.inria.diverse.minilang.BooleanExpression
import minifsm.aspects.FSMAspect
import minifsm.aspects.StateAspect

import static extension fr.inria.diverse.melanger.FsmGlue.*
import static extension minilang.aspects.BlockAspect.*
import static extension minilang.aspects.BooleanExpressionAspect.*
import minifsm.aspects.TransitionAspect

class FsmGlue extends FSMAspect {
	public Context context

class StateGlue extends StateAspect {
	public Block block
	override void execute(){

class TransitionGlue extends TransitionAspect {
	public BooleanExpression expression
	override boolean isActivated(){
		return _self.expression === null || _self.expression.eval(_self.fsm.context) 